Department of Rasashastra &Bhaishajya Kalpana deals with the preparation of
various Herbo-Metallic & Herbo-Mineral Formulations found to be more
efficacious in Management of Acute & Chronic diseases.
This branch in Ayurveda studies holds command in using Metals & Minerals like Mercury, Gold, Silver, Iron, Copper, Sulphur, Mica, Tourmaline, Orpiment and many Poisonous drugs along with different herbs.
By adopting various Purification processes the drugs are modified from toxic to non – toxic form & also making them suitable for internal administration
This branch in Ayurveda studies holds command in using Metals & Minerals like Mercury, Gold, Silver, Iron, Copper, Sulphur, Mica, Tourmaline, Orpiment and many Poisonous drugs along with different herbs.
By adopting various Purification processes the drugs are modified from toxic to non – toxic form & also making them suitable for internal administration

Faculty with Designation
Sr. no. | Faculty name |
Designation |
1. |
Dr. Mangala Jadhav |
Professor |
2. |
Dr. Vaishali Khobragade |
Associate Professor |
3. |
Dr. Kavita Turambekar |
Associate Professor |
4. |
Dr. Aditi Kulkarni |
Assistant professor |
5. |
Dr. Gayatri Gaonkar |
Assistant professor |
Highlights of Department
The department is well equipped with spacious laboratory,
teaching pharmacy with indoor & outdoor facilities, Basic QC lab, various
instruments, specimens, charts, models and reference books. The undergraduate
students are encouraged for the preparation of various formulations of their own
under the guidance of subject experts for deep knowledge and better
understanding of subject.
Apart from the academic curricular activities department organizes Pharmacy Visits, various Workshops and Seminars for undergraduate and postgraduate students to upgrade their knowledge regarding recent advances in the field of concern subject.
The department enables graduates & post graduates not only to prepare formulations for medical practice but also to develop skills for the establishment of Ayurveda Pharma industry. The post graduate students admitted in the department carry out research on unexplored formulations as per the need of current era which is reflected in their Dissertation work.
Apart from the academic curricular activities department organizes Pharmacy Visits, various Workshops and Seminars for undergraduate and postgraduate students to upgrade their knowledge regarding recent advances in the field of concern subject.
The department enables graduates & post graduates not only to prepare formulations for medical practice but also to develop skills for the establishment of Ayurveda Pharma industry. The post graduate students admitted in the department carry out research on unexplored formulations as per the need of current era which is reflected in their Dissertation work.

The vision of the department is to carry out advancement in the field of
Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals.
The mission of the department is to produce experts in the field of Rasa Shastra
&Bhaishjaya Kalpana to teach, train and research.
Ongoing Research Projects in the Department
Ongoing PhD Research Work
1) Dr. Aditi Kulkarni
Comparative Study of Physio-chemical characteristics and Pharmacological Activity of Selected Iron Drug Preparations.
2) Dr. Yogesh S. Bhatamre
Study of Hepatoprotective Activity of TamraBhasma in relation to number of Puta on Thiocetamide induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats.
3) Dr. Vaishali M. Khobragade
In Vivo study of Cardioprotective Activity of Tamra Bhasma in relation to quantity of Putas.
4) Dr. Ranjit Sawant
Characterization of Samagunabalijarita and Shadagunabalijarita Rasasindoor and in vivo study of its activity w.s.r. to digestive enzymes
Ongoing Postgraduate Research Work:
1) Dr. Aditi Kulkarni
Comparative Study of Physio-chemical characteristics and Pharmacological Activity of Selected Iron Drug Preparations.
2) Dr. Yogesh S. Bhatamre
Study of Hepatoprotective Activity of TamraBhasma in relation to number of Puta on Thiocetamide induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats.
3) Dr. Vaishali M. Khobragade
In Vivo study of Cardioprotective Activity of Tamra Bhasma in relation to quantity of Putas.
4) Dr. Ranjit Sawant
Characterization of Samagunabalijarita and Shadagunabalijarita Rasasindoor and in vivo study of its activity w.s.r. to digestive enzymes
Ongoing Postgraduate Research Work:
1) Omkar Jadhav
Study of physicochemical characteristics of gandhakmaritaLohabhasma and it’s 28 days oral toxicity in wistar rats.
2) ReshmaPhalgunan K V
Study of physicochemical characteristics of swayamagniloha and it’s 28 days oral toxicity in wistar rats.
3) Utkarsha Joshi
Study of physicochemical characteristics and anti- diabetic activity of trivangabhasma and vangabhasma in wistar rats.
4) Ashwini Bade
Study of physicochemical characteristics and anti-diabetic activity of trivangabhasma and naagbhasma in wistar rats.
5) Neeta Waghmare
Study of physicochemical characteristics and antidiabetic activity of trivanga and yashadabhasma in wistar rats.
Name of Faculty | Title of Article | Name of Journal |
Dr. Mangala Jadhav | 1) Comparative study of Physicochemical Characteristics of Rasasindoor by Two differentformulation wsr to RasaTarangini |
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
2) Comparative study of Physicochemical Characeristics of Swarnamakshik by different shodhan methods wsr to Rasa Ratna Samuchchya | World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research |
3) Hepatoprotective Activity of ShrikhandAsava - A Preclinical Study |
International J AyuPharm Chem | |
4) ROLE OF PATHYADI KWATHA IN VARIOUS DISEASES - A REVIEW ARTICLE | World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research | |
5) Dadru and its Ayurvedic Formulation w.s.r to Fungal Infection- A Review | International J Ayu Pharm Chem | |
Dr. Aditi Kulkarni | 1) Immunological & Metabolic responses to a therapeutic course of Basti in Obesity |
Indian Journal of Medical Research |
2) Evaluation of Anti-oxidant activity of Suvarnarajvangesvara | International Ayurvedic Medical Journal | |
3) Study of effect of
pharmaceutical processing named
Shodhan& Marana on the
chemical composition & crystalline structure of Metal Iron
& Iron containing Minerals using
XRD & XRF Analysis. |
Journal of
Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences |
4) A review of Pre-clinical studies on Obesity Markers using Ayurvedic medicinal plants. | World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research |
Dr. Gayatri Gaonkar | 1) Conceptual study of anupana and
aaharaw.s.r to bhuhatrayi: a review. |
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research |
2) A Detail Review of types of Kshar with special emphasis on Rasashastra | Journal of Ayurveda & Integrated Medical Sciences | |
3) RaspushpadyaMalhar - a least explored formulation of Parad | World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research |
4) Comparative Study of Different TeachingMethodologies used for developing betterunderstanding of drug formulations in secondyear BAMS students. | International Education & Research journal [IERJ] | |
5) Comparative antimicrobial study of Rasapushpa and Raskarpur | International Education & Research journal [IERJ] | |
Dr. Vaishali Khobragade | 1) Pharmaceutical study of Apatyakaram Ghrita | Ayurlog National Journal of Research in Ayurved. |
2) Critical Review on Rasamanikya: An Ayurvedic mineral based formulation. | International journal of pharma & Bio- Sciences. | |
3) Standardization of Rasamrutam and it's role in Peptic Ulcer . | WJPR - World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. |
4) Preparation And Pharmaceutical Standardization Of LakshadiLepa . | WJPR - World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. |
5) Pharmaceutical study of LakshadiLepa and it's Modification to Gel form. | IRJIMS- International Research Journal of Integrated Medicine & Surgery. |
Dr. Kavita Turambekar | 1) Literary study of Importance of Swedajanana Karma (thermogenesis) in treatment of Obesity w.r.t Charakokta Swedopaga Mahakashaya |
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research |
2) Prospective Study of Medhya effect of GuduchiRasayana in different Dehaprakruti. | Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences |
3) Evaluation of efficacy and safety of TulsiOdaat™ in patients suffering from Insomnia Disorder - An Open Label, Single Arm, Multi-centric, Non comparative, Interventional, Prospective, Clinical Study |
International Journal For Research In Applied And Natural Science |
4) Importance of Body Purification before use of any Herbometallic or Herbomineral Preparation. (Rasa, Rasabhasma Sevanpurva Kshetrikarana) | Ayurveda Patrika | |
5) Rasakalpa - Shirashool Siddha Chikitsa | Ayurveda Patrika |